Results for 'Chisom S. Ugwuewo'

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  1.  1
    Isaiah 10:1–4 and the welfare of the poor in Nkanuland, Enugu state, Nigeria.Chisom S. Ugwuewo - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):6.
    Over the centuries, history has shown that peasant members of society are drenched with various forms of marginalisation. These often come from the more privileged members of society and even the government. Studies have also shown that the religious sphere that ought to be the hope of the neglected poor has turned out to be like the political milieu in the secular world. Isaiah 10:1–4 spelt out punishment meted out for the violators of the rights of the peasant poor. The (...)
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    Firearm Violence in the United States: An Issue of the Highest Moral Order.Chisom N. Iwundu, Mary E. Homan, Ami R. Moore, Pierce Randall, Sajeevika S. Daundasekara & Daphne C. Hernandez - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (3):301-315.
    Firearm violence in the United States produces over 36,000 deaths and 74,000 sustained firearm-related injuries yearly. The paper describes the burden of firearm violence with emphasis on the disproportionate burden on children, racial/ethnic minorities, women and the healthcare system. Second, this paper identifies factors that could mitigate the burden of firearm violence by applying a blend of key ethical theories to support population level interventions and recommendations that may restrict individual rights. Such recommendations can further support targeted research to inform (...)
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    Supernatural Agent Cognitions in Dreams.Patrick McNamara, Brian Teed, Victoria Pae, Adonai Sebastian & Chisom Chukwumerije - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):428-450.
    Purpose:To test the hypothesis that supernatural agents (SAs) appear in nightmares and dreams in association with evidence of diminished agency within the dreamer/dream ego.Methods:Content analyses of 120 nightmares and 71 unpleasant control dream narratives.Results:We found that SAs overtly occur in about one quarter of unpleasant dreams and about half of nightmares. When SAs appear in a dream or nightmare they are reliably associated with diminished agency in the dreamer. Diminished agency within the dreamer occurs in over 90% of dreams (whether (...)
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    Examining the adequacy of preoperative informed consent in a developing country: Challenges in the era of surgical specialisation.Osita Ede, Oke R. Obadaseraye, Ifeanyi Anichi, Chisom Mbaeze, Chukwuka O. Udemezue, Chinonso Basil-Nwachuku, Kenechi A. Madu, Emmanuel C. Iyidobi, Udo E. Anyaehie, Cajetan U. Nwadinigwe, Chidinma Ngwangwa & Uto Essien Adetula - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (4):296-301.
    Preoperative informed consent is a legal and ethical requirement that ensures patients understand a procedure, its associated risks and benefits, alternative treatment options, and potential complications to make an informed decision about their care. This cross‐sectional study evaluated the informed consent process for major orthopaedic surgeries at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. A self‐administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 120 adult participants. Results showed that many patients do not read the consent form before signing it, and surgeons do (...)
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    Auditory category learning is robust across training regimes.Chisom O. Obasih, Sahil Luthra, Frederic Dick & Lori L. Holt - 2023 - Cognition 237 (C):105467.
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    Interrogating Christian and Muslim responses to COVID-19 in Nigeria.Emmanuel J. Ibuot, Chisom Uchendu & Peter M. Kertyo - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):7.
    The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the far-reaching significance of religion in shaping human interaction within social crises. Efforts to slow down the spread of coronavirus prompted different national governments, including the Federal Government of Nigeria to restrict large density gatherings, enforce lockdowns and promote social distancing, which were largely resisted initially. Organised religion may have influenced citizens’ compliance with government directives for curbing the pandemic. Focussing largely on providing economic assistance to people in need, it may have missed out on the (...)
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  7.  20
    Social poetics as research and practice: living in and learning from the process of research.Dee Aldridge & C. Stevenson - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (1):19-27.
    Social poetics as research and practice: living in and learning from the process of research This paper is both a report of research work carried out by one author of the paper with the other involved in a supervisory role, and a reflection on methodology that was an emergent property of the research process. The research question arose when professional preunderstandings about schizophrenia as a biological disturbance were bracketed as a Husserlian form of phenomenology was adopted. The initial study focused (...)
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    Critical Realism Redux: A Response to Josh Reeves.Paul Allen - 2020 - Zygon 55 (3):772-781.
    This article combines an appreciation of several themes in Josh Reeves's Against Methodology in Science and Religion: Recent Debates on Rationality and Theology while arguing in favor of critical realism. The author holds that critical realism manages to combine the objective truth reached through inference and especially cognitive acts of judgment as well as the various, contingent historical contexts that also define where science is practiced. Reeves advocates a historical perspective, but this article claims that in order for critical realism (...)
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    Who learns what from whom? Implementing gender mainstreaming in multi-level settings.Alba Alonso - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (2):174-188.
    With obstacles at various levels of government, multi-level settings provide complex challenges for the implementation of gender mainstreaming. Policy transfer appears to hold some explanatory potential in these sorts of contexts; scholarship however, still tends to focus on single sources of influence – either European or domestic – and potentially misses the broader picture. This article revisits the classic question of who learns what from whom by addressing the implementation of gender mainstreaming in research policies in the Spanish regions through (...)
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    Reading style in Dickens.Robert Alter - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):130-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading Style In DickensRobert AlterIt is a sad symptom of the devolution of literary studies and of our culture’s relation to language that it should at all be necessary to explain that style is crucial to the experience of reading. As the language of literature has been variously designated a mask for ideology, an expression of the “poetics of culture,” or a medium of communication not different in kind (...)
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  11. Experiencia del tiempo y la eternidad en Confesiones de Agustín de Hipona.Horacio Hernández Anguita - 2006 - Philosophica 29:227-241.
    El siguiente trabajo forma parte de un estudio más amplio sobre el tiempo y la eternidad en Confesiones de Agustín de Hipona. Esta ocasión permite sólo ocuparme de los primeros ocho libros, es decir, hasta su relato de la conversión al cristianismo como hito radical. Me ocuparé para los efectos de una reflexión gradual, exclusivamente de los pasajes donde nuestro autor en su relato del tiempo vivido nos ofrece textos que, coherentes con la obra entera, muestran cómo está presente la (...)
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    Les frontières entre réel et imaginaire à l’épreuve des promenades sonores in situ.Lucia Angelino - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (1):189-203.
    This article examines the particular aesthetic experience brought about by soundwalks. In each case, the point of departure is the phenomenological analysis of two case study: Janet Cardiff’s Walks and the audio-tours Remote x by Rimini Protokoll. Drawing upon Husserl and Merleau-Ponty, I will examine the conflicts of perception and the peculiar shift from one order of perception to another that punctuate the spectator’s walking, as well as the intertwining of the real and the imaginary coming into being in such (...)
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    Sport, film, and the modern world: aesthetics, ethics, environments.Neil Archer - 2024 - NewYork: Peter Lang.
    This book rethinks the discussion of sport as a cinematic subject. Arguing for the vitality of the sports film as distinctively 'modern' genre, the book looks at its innovative potential to capture twentieth- and twenty-first-century sport in all its complexity. Written in an accessible style and illustrated throughout, the book integrates work and ideas from film studies with thinking from sports psychology, philosophy, data theory and ecocriticism. In its detailed analyses of a wide-ranging group of films, the book shows how (...)
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  14. Descartes and Leibniz as Readers of Suárez: Theory of Distinctions and Principle of Individuation.Roger Ariew - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund, The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This essay explores the reception and used of Suárez’s philosophy by two canonical early modern philosophers, René Descartes and Gottfried Leibniz. It is argued that Descartes’ theory of distinctions does not betray any indications of being Suárezian, despite many claims to the contrary. Leibniz, however, was a very different reader of Suárez’s works, it is argued, and his thinking about individuation was clearly influenced by Suárez even if he did not adopt the Suárezian position in the end.
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    Par des terres qui te sont inconnues...: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, aventurier du passé et de l'avenir.Jacques Arnould - 2017 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf. Edited by Patrice Franceschi.
    "L'esprit d'aventure animait-il Pierre Teilhard de Chardin? Il ne suffit pas, pour répondre, de rappeler la devise que lui applique l'un de ses amis, George Barbour : "Ut migraturus habita. Vis comme si tu allais partir." Il ne suffit pas non plus de trouver sous sa plume ce bel aveu : "Je ne saurais désormais être autre chose qu'une sorte d'aventurier spirituel." Il faut le suivre dans ses multiples voyages, lire son abondante correspondance, l'entendre se plaindre d'être retenu à Pékin (...)
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    Propriete intellectuelle et acces public au savoir en ligne : Fractures dans la société de la connaissance.Michel Arnaud - 2006 - Hermes 45:61.
    La privatisation de la connaissance est en contradiction avec la possibilité d'accéder à l'ensemble des savoirs disponibles à travers les nouveaux réseaux de communication. La qualification de l'accès au savoir en ligne comme « bien public international » répond à la demande des populations des pays en développement qui n'ont pas les moyens de s'équiper à domicile et encore moins de payer l'accès à des contenus en ligne à des tarifs élaborés par les marchands des pays développés. Les modalités de (...)
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    Repenser le droit: hommage à André-Jean Arnaud.André Jean Arnaud, Wanda Capeller, Jacques Commaille & Laure Ortiz (eds.) - 2019 - Issy-les-Moulineaux: LGDJ, une marque de lextenso.
    Rendre hommage à un auteur, ce n'est pas seulement célébrer ce qu'il fut mais c'est aussi alerter sur ce que son oeuvre apporte au présent et à l'avenir de la connaissance. C'est bien le sens donné à cet hommage à André-Jean Arnaud. Repenser le droit, c'était pou r cet auteur érudit : repenser les lieux, les conditions et les façons de l'étudier en dépassant les frontières géographiques en même temps que les frontières disciplinaires. En montrant en quoi André-Jean Arnaud fut, (...)
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  18. «Vous les noirs, nous les blancs...» L'opposition entre Européens et Africains dans les sermons de Schweitzer à Lambaréné (1913-1931). [REVIEW]Matthieu Arnold - 2003 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 83 (4):421-441.
    Les sermons africains d’Albert Schweitzer, édités en 2002, opposent fréquemment les Blancs aux Noirs, dont le prédicateur vise à changer les croyances et le comportement. Dépourvu de préjugé raciste, ce contraste répond au dessein de tout prédicateur – et plus particulièrement du missionnaire : porteur d’une éthique qu’il juge universelle, Schweitzer veut améliorer ses auditeurs, et, pour nourrir leur émulation, il leur propose des modèles . Mais les sermons de Lambaréné témoignent aussi d’une certaine indifférence de Schweitzer à l’égard de (...)
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  19. Whatever of what?Richard Arneson - unknown
    In 1980, Amartya Sen’s essay ‘Equality of What?’ stimulated a still ongoing discussion on the question: ‘Insofar as one holds that social justice demands rendering people’s condition more nearly equal, what aspects of people’s condition should be equalized?’ (Sen, 1982). In what respects should people be rendered more nearly the same? Prominent responses include resources, fundamental liberties, capabilities, advantages, welfare, and opportunities for welfare.1 There is a more general question in this neighbourhood that should be of interest. We might conceive (...)
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    Pochwała człowieka ludzkiego w „Kronice” Kadłubka. U samych początków myśli polskiej, u końca czasu.Mirosław Żarowski - 2020 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 15 (2):171-191.
    Starting with the words that finish, or interrupt Master Wincenty’s Polish Chronicle, I interpret its historiographic content as characteristic of 12th century humanism, expression of love, of wisdom. The infallible condition of ethicalarete may be found to be formulated in the last words of the Chronicle concerning humanity which consists in tolerant indulgence of others’ vices and modesty about one’s virtues.
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    Sartre contre Camus : le conflit jamais résolu.Ronald Aronson - 2005 - Cités 22 (2):53.
    En vertu de quelle prescience la querelle la plus importante du XXe siècle a-t-elle annoncé la plus grande question du XXIe ? Lors de la rupture entre Camus et Sartre, le point sur lequel ils étaient le plus divisés était la question de la violence politique et spécifiquement celle du communisme. Et au fur et à mesure qu’ils continuaient à s’attaquer mutuellement, de façon codée,..
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    El valor como medida de la trascendencia: Un punto de coincidencia entre Francisco Romero y Augusto Salazar Bondy.Adriana María Arpini - 2012 - Cuyo 29 (2):161-174.
    Francisco Romero y Augusto Salazar Bondy se interesaron por los temas antropológicos y axiológicos, por la actualización y difusión de la producción filosófica en general y, en especial la de lengua española y manifestaron particular inquietud por los desarrollos de la filosofía en América Latina. Aunque la evolución posterior del pensamiento de Salazar Bondy siguió rumbos teóricos diferentes a los de Romero, es posible señalar algunos puntos de contacto entre sus ideas acerca del valor, sobre todo con aquellas que el (...)
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    The Discourse of Kingship in Classical Greece.Carol Atack - 2019 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    This book examines how ancient authors explored ideas of kingship as a political role fundamental to the construction of civic unity, the use of kingship stories to explain the past and present unity of the polis and the distinctive function or status attributed to kings in such accounts. -/- It explores the notion of kingship offered by historians such as Herodotus, as well as dramatists writing for the Athenian stage, paying particular attention to dramatic depictions of the unique capabilities of (...)
  24.  36
    When the body becomes the enemy: Disownership toward the Body.Yochai Ataria - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (1):1-15.
    Based on interviews with more than 70 survivors of traumatic events, Ataria presents a trade-off model between the sense of agency—the feeling that one has a sense of control over one’s actions—and the sense of body ownership, the sense that this is my body. According to this trade-off model, there exists a reciprocal relationship between the sense of agency and sense of body ownership: by relinquishing a degree of the sense of body ownership over his body, the subject gains an (...)
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  25. Xenophon.Carol Atack - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Introduction to Xenophon's work and overview of his philosophy. _Greece and Rome_ New Surveys in the Classics Vol 48.
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    The Concepts of Space and Time. Their Structure and Their Development. [REVIEW]B. W. A. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (4):728-729.
    This useful anthology comprises seventy-nine selections arranged under three headings. Part I is titled "Ancient and Classical Ideas of Space"; part II, "The Classical and Ancient Concepts of Time"; part III, "Modern Views of Space and Time and their Anticipations." According to the general editors of the Boston series, R. S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky, Capek’s choice of contents was governed by the desire to show that "parts of our view of nature greatly and mutually influence other parts, and (...)
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  27.  14
    Traité de Psychopathologie. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):163-163.
    Written over a period of twenty years, which saw the success of the author's more specialized contributions, the present treatise gathers together personal memories, clinical experiences, and efforts to superimpose without eclecticism the best insights offered by the various psychological and psychiatric trends of the century. A clear delineation of the subject matter and theoretical instruments of psychopathology emerges, and confirms the relative autonomy of this field as against clinical psychology and psychiatry. This method relies on qualitative profiles of the (...)
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  28.  75
    Co-responsibility for Individualists.David Atenasio - 2019 - Res Publica 25 (4):511-530.
    Some argue that if an agent intentionally participates in collective wrongdoing, that agent bears responsibility for contributing actions performed by other members of the agent’s collective. Some of these intention-state theorists distribute co-responsibility to group members by appeal to participatory intentions alone, while others require participants to instantiate additional beliefs or perform additional actions. I argue that prominent intention-state theories of co-responsibility fail to provide a compelling rationale for why participation in collective wrongdoing merits responsibility not only for one’s own (...)
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  29.  10
    Faut-il déconstruire la métaphysique?Pierre Aubenque - 2009 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    " Les critiques de la métaphysique ne s'attachent plus aujourd'hui à la réfuter, car cela supposerait ce qui est justement en question, à savoir que ses propositions soient falsifiables. De Nietzsche à Derrida en passant par Heidegger, on s'attache plutôt à la "dépasser" ou à la "déconstruire", c'est-à-dire à la déborder ou à mettre à nu sa structure, tout en laissant subsister dans sa massivité incontournable l'événement qu'elle représente... On voudrait, dans ces quelques leçons prononcées dans le cadre de la (...)
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  30.  30
    What Happened to Politics and Ethics?David Bade - 2013 - Journal of Information Ethics 22 (1):80-108.
    Seven recent monographs on the philosophical foundations of library science are discussed in light of the questions the authors ask and the assumptions that underlie the questions asked. The author finds that epistemological discussions frequently identify epistemology with philosophy of science while ontological discussions rest upon reifications, and in both cases there is an absence of attention to ethical and political questions. The author's critique links the absence of ethical and political dimensions in several of the works discussed to an (...)
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  31.  29
    An Inquiry Into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense. [REVIEW]Marc Baer - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (3):720-721.
    In this critical edition of An Inquiry Into the Human Mind, Reid’s classic eighteenth-century treatise in the philosophy of mind appears with supplementary manuscripts and correspondence which, along with a crack editing job, provide the context for a rich understanding of this work. Reid’s central concern in the Inquiry was to provide an alternative to the account of the mind handed down by the Cartesian tradition. Thus the book contains a considerable amount of polemical material. A main target is the (...)
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  32. A (New) Defense of Self-Forgiveness.Agnès Baehni - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, I try to resolve a contradiction arising from the combination of two theses: (1) self-forgiveness is sometimes morally justified and (2) only victims can rightly forgive. As has been pointed out by other philosophers, both are plausible but the two taken together are inconsistent. In the literature, self-forgiveness is painted as an “imperfect” form of forgiveness or as a “second best option” because it entails a violation of the victim’s prerogative to forgive. So far, this view has (...)
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  33.  33
    Can Green Investments Increase Your Green? Evidence from Social Hedge Fund Activists.Jonghyuk Bae, Natalya Khimich, Sungsoo Kim & Emanuel Zur - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (4):781-801.
    In our study, we examine the association between hedge fund activism and a target firm’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and whether activists can promote socially responsible investments while upholding shareholders’ interests. Using different matched samples, we find a strong positive association between the target firm’s CSR in the year before it is targeted by activists and its probability of being targeted by a hedge fund. Classifying hedge fund activists into socially and non-socially responsible funds based on their objectives, we (...)
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  34. Debating totalitarianism: An exchange of letters between Hannah Arendt and Eric Voegelin.Peter Baehr & Gordon C. Wells - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (3):364-380.
    In 1952, Waldemar Gurian, founding editor of The Review of Politics, commissioned Eric Voegelin, then a professor of political science at Louisiana State University, to review Hannah Arendt’s recently published The Origins of Totalitarianism . She was given the right to reply; Voegelin would furnish a concluding note. Preceding this dialogue, Voegelin wrote a letter to Arendt anticipating aspects of his review; she responded in kind. Arendt’s letter to Voegelin on totalitarianism, written in German, has never appeared in print before. (...)
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  35.  60
    Does the extended evolutionary synthesis entail extended explanatory power?Jan Baedke, Alejandro Fábregas-Tejeda & Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-22.
    Biologists and philosophers of science have recently called for an extension of evolutionary theory. This so-called ‘extended evolutionary synthesis’ seeks to integrate developmental processes, extra-genetic forms of inheritance, and niche construction into evolutionary theory in a central way. While there is often agreement in evolutionary biology over the existence of these phenomena, their explanatory relevance is questioned. Advocates of EES posit that their perspective offers better explanations than those provided by ‘standard evolutionary theory’. Still, why this would be the case (...)
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  36.  31
    Does the Rose-Tinted Glasses Effect in Contemporary Physics Prevent Us from Explaining Consciousness?W. Baer - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (7-8):8-27.
    Anyone wearing rose-tinted glasses might be forgiven if s/he comes to the conclusion that the world out there is rosier than it actually is. With his Fish Story, Sir Arthur Eddington warned us how analogous illusions might have happened in our models of the physical world. His allegory describes how observer characteristics can be inadvertently assigned to the systems being observed. If Eddington's conjecture is applicable, the most fundamental properties of nature will turn out to be the construction rules of (...)
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  37. On gerunds and the theory of categories.Mark Baker - manuscript
    Some recent theories of gerunds account for their hybrid properties by saying that the gerund is both a noun and a verb simultaneously. Such theories are inconsistent with the Reference-Predication Constraint (RPC), a cornerstone of Baker’s (2003) theory of lexical categories. In contrast, I defend the traditional idea that gerunds are fusions of a true verb and a syntactically distinct nominal Infl. Moreover, I give new evidence in favor of the RPC, showing how it explains the fact that nominal gerunds (...)
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    Albertus Magnus on Creation: Why Philosophy Is Inadequate.Steven Baldner - 2014 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (1):63-79.
    Albert the Great does not regard the creation of the world as philosophically demonstrable. In this article, it is shown why this is so: because Albert regards the temporal beginning of the world as essential to the meaning of creation, and because he holds that it is impossible to demonstrate the temporal beginning of the world, he concludes that the creation of the world is philosophically indemonstrable. Albert insists that creation must imply a temporal beginning because he thinks that temporal (...)
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  39.  13
    A Methodological Review of fNIRS in Driving Research: Relevance to the Future of Autonomous Vehicles.Stephanie Balters, Joseph M. Baker, Joseph W. Geeseman & Allan L. Reiss - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    As automobile manufacturers have begun to design, engineer, and test autonomous driving systems of the future, brain imaging with functional near-infrared spectroscopy can provide unique insights about cognitive processes associated with evolving levels of autonomy implemented in the automobile. Modern fNIRS devices provide a portable, relatively affordable, and robust form of functional neuroimaging that allows researchers to investigate brain function in real-world environments. The trend toward “naturalistic neuroscience” is evident in the growing number of studies that leverage the methodological flexibility (...)
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  40. An Urban Carnival on the City Walls: The Visual Representation of Financial Power in European Street Art.Andrea Baldini - 2015 - Journal of Visual Culture 14 (2):246-252.
    By discussing a selection of socially engaged street artworks from the Frankfurt-based project ‘Under Art Construction’, this essay sheds light on street art’s possibilities as a form of resistance against the power of globalizing finance. The author argues that through the use of carnivalesque strategies of irony and appropriation, street art can challenge the pretense of rationality of recent policies of austerity in the eurozone. Such a challenge exposes the contingency of spending cut programs. He finally suggests that, in debunking (...)
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    De-Disciplining the Eye.Mieke Bal - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (3):506-531.
    In this essay I will explore a mode of reading I call “reading for the text.” A text is what we make of a work when reading it: roughly, a meaningful, well-structured whole with a beginning and an end. But as a mode of reading, textuality allows for constant activity, a continual shaping nd reshaping of sign-events. I will argue that reading for a sense of textuality, and for the wholeness this simple textuality entails, does not necessarily preclude awareness of (...)
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    Explanation, Causation and Deduction. [REVIEW]Aristides Baltas - 1988 - Idealistic Studies 18 (1):86-87.
    Now that the excitement created by the historicist turn in philosophy of science has cooled down, the particular questions raised by this turn do not command anymore the almost exclusive attention of practitioners in the field. Philosophers of science feel freer to embark on such different projects as, for example, an effort to reexamine—on the basis of the lessons taught and of the experience gained—the issues which dominated the scene before the historicist movement erupted. Fred Wilson’s book on the deductive-nomological (...)
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    A Realist Approach to Immigration.Bat-Ami Bar On - 2017 - The Acorn 17 (1):81-82.
    In Strangers in Our Midst, David Miller develops a philosophical position that is intended to guide the complex decisions that liberal democratic states face regarding immigration policy. While it is not likely that Miller’s arguments will convince anyone who is principally committed to the kind of open borders that truly enable the free movement of people across them, Miller has much to offer to those who are either (a) trying to make sense of the position of people who object to (...)
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    Philosophical Anthropology in Croatia.Pavo Barišić - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (2):293-312.
    The paper outlines the historical development of question about ambiguous and mysterious human nature, in particular considering the reasons and conditions for the founding of modern philosophical anthropology. Subsequently, it brings an overview of the conceptual beginnings and directions of anthropological research in Croatia. The focus is on the following questions: When did the investigations begin in the field of philosophical anthropology, in what kind of thinking environments were they shaped and what scientific achievements were reached? The presentation brings to (...)
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    Parallels and paradoxes: explorations in music and society.Daniel Barenboim - 2004 - New York: Vintage Books. Edited by Edward W. Said & Ara Guzelimian.
    These free-wheeling, often exhilarating dialogues—which grew out of the acclaimed Carnegie Hall Talks—are an exchange between two of the most prominent figures in contemporary culture: Daniel Barenboim, internationally renowned conductor and pianist, and Edward W. Said, eminent literary critic and impassioned commentator on the Middle East. Barenboim is an Argentinian-Israeli and Said a Palestinian-American; they are also close friends. As they range across music, literature, and society, they open up many fields of inquiry: the importance of a sense of place; (...)
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  46.  15
    Is Religion Special? More Likely Than Not!Francis J. Beckwith - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 277-289.
    Some have questioned why religion should be singled out for special treatment in our legal instruments, such as the US Constitution, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Why, for example, do these documents afford protection to citizens who engage in an activity religiously, while not affording the same protection for citizens who engage in what appears to be the same activity non-religiously? To answer this question, the author explains why religion, as with other associations and practices, has been justly singled out. (...)
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    Antigone after Auschwitz.Debra Bergoffen - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1A):249-259.
    In the preface to the 1853 first edition of his poems, Matthew Arnold claimed that it was no longer possible to be interested in the quarrel staged in Antigone. He found the conflict between a sister’s duty to bury her brother and a king’s insistence on obedience to the laws of the state passé.1 Living in an age in which souls mattered more than bodies, and in a time when mass graves filled with murdered and mutilated bodies were not part (...)
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    Civic Friendship and Democratic Education.David Blacker - 2003 - In Kevin McDonough & Walter Feinberg, Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies: Teaching for Cosmopolitan Values and Collective Identities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK.
    This is the third of the four essays in Part II of the book on liberalism and traditionalist education; all four are by authors who would like to find ways for the liberal state to honour the self-definitions of traditional cultures and to find ways of avoiding a confrontation with differences. David Blacker’s essay on civic friendship and democratic education develops a Rawlsian conception of civic friendship, the scaffolding of which is necessarily provided by the wide range of comprehensive conceptions (...)
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    Christian Ministry in Johannine Perspective.C. Clifton Black - 1990 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 44 (1):29-41.
    The minister's task in Johannine perspective is neither to entice people into accepting the gospel nor to consummate God's new creation; the ministerial vocation is to point to Christ and to the God of limitless love who sent his Son to save this world.
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    David Hume (1711-1776) and James Steuart.Mark Blaug - 1991 - Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, Vt., Usa : E. Elgar Publishing Company.
    David Hume is best known for his work on political philosophy. However, he wrote a series of essays on money, population and international trade which must rank among the major economic writings of the 18th century. Certainly they influenced Adam Smith and have a sparkling quality that still makes them worth reading today. His statement of the so-called 'specie-flow mechanism' constituted his answer to the mercantilist concern with the maintenance of a chronic surplus in the balance of payments. He also (...)
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